Lane County Public Health today announced the launch of a Fentanyl Aware campaign, aimed at addressing the increasing supply and use of fentanyl in Lane County. The effects of fentanyl, a powerful illicit opioid, are seen in the increased calls to 911, emergency room visits, and deaths. The campaign seeks to counteract those effects by promoting knowledge and safety through risk awareness and education.
“Ultimately, we hope the outcome of this campaign is saved lives,” said Lane County Public Health Community Health Analyst and Fentanyl Aware campaign coordinator Alexander LaVake. “To that end, we will be providing youth, families, and community members with the tools to stay safe, respond to an overdose, and provide strategies to lower the risk of overdose.”
The campaign will include tools like Narcan education, information on the signs and symptoms of an overdose and how to respond, and resources throughout the community.
Fentanyl Aware will promote these educational tools on web and social media channels as well as through partnerships and educational opportunities with several school districts and community organizations.
To learn more and follow the campaign, visit
Original source can be found here.