Parks and Open Space is excited to announce that the opening of Eugene's first dedicated mountain bike trail, Pipe Dream. Trail building volunteers and City staff officially opened the trail last Friday with a small ceremonial ribbon cutting and inaugural rides.
President Michael H. Schill and Provost and Senior Vice President Patrick Phillips have approved funding for a set strategic initiatives after receiving advice from the UO’s Budget Advisory Group.
Springfield residents, track enthusiasts, and business owners showed up in full force at the Springfield Chamber’s hospitality table to cheer on the participants of the World Athletic Championships Marathon last weekend!
The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for the Willamette Valley starting Monday at noon until Thursday at 9 p.m. Temperatures are forecasted to reach 97 to 103 degrees.
The Springfield Arts Commission (SAC) is searching for artists to exhibit at City Hall Gallery in 2023. Exhibitions at City Hall Gallery show primarily work created by Oregon artists.
The 2022 Chip Seal program is coming to your street Wednesday, July 20th. You might have seen our Public Works team out in force this week prepping the road for next week’s work.
The first phase of the Willamette Connection public space improvements are now complete, connecting the urban fabric of downtown Eugene and stitching together the north and south ends of downtown.
Lane County Public Health (LCPH) today announced that due to sustained community transmission and a strained medical system, it is recommending all community members in Lane County mask up in indoor spaces.
Springfield Public Library and Springfield History Museum invite you join them for a special night filled with music, book signing, and fun for the whole family!!